Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Well I was waiting to have a day or so of good news/eating to post again, but that looks doubtful. I just got a letter (on top of a dirty cookie pan) from my roommate about how I need to be more clean and do more in the kitchen, seeing as she just cleaned it, yaddah yaddah yaddah. Okay, there are like 2 dishes in the sink, no crap on the counters, and a bag of trash in a paper whole foods bag by the trashcan. It's way cleaner than my mom's kitchen ever was growing up at home! It doesn't smell, and there's no grime! It's also cleaner than my bf's kitchen EVER is! I mean wtf does she expect? Perfection? I guess we just have different standards, but I keep it so much cleaner now than when I lived alone. Here's a nice excerpt, "I am growing more and more upset aout the cleanileness or lack thereof....the dishes left wherever (NOT)....trash being left on the floor (NOT!)....If things don't change I won't hesitate to move home or to another apartment." Well, lol, the girl is so overexaggerating, plus she can't spell many of the words written, AND ALL the furniture NICE furniture in the apartment is MINE! So I say good luck to her finding a roommate as anal as she, and good luck finding a prefurnished apartment!!! In fact, I just might take a pic of the apt for my next post. Yeah, so I'm off now to shut my mouth and "clean" the clean kitchen.

After a few days of ignoring each other and a return slightly harsh letter I wrote to her, she said something. Seems we'll both be compromising and I'll try to do a little better on my part. Maybe the binging will subside now? Well, at least that's one less thing to stress about.


Soledad said...

Hey Beth. I was TOTALLY in the same situtation a couple of years ago with my SUPER ANAL roommate J.C. She was SUPER SUPER crazy about cleaning etc and would get mad at me for NOTHING. It had WAY more to do with her than me and we eventually just stopped talking. What about setting up a cleaning schedule with her? Show her you are taking her concerns seriosuly, but at the same time don't get pushed around:)

Good luck:) Sounds like your roomie has her own issues! and it has nothing to do with you. Make sure you don't blame yourself for her attitude:)



Feisty Frida said...

Hey girl!! Just wanted to say, have a great weekend!!

Danyel said...

Just stoppin' by to say HI

Soledad said...

Hey Beth,

Thinking about you. How are you doing?



lauren said...

Beth, sweet beth, I have been going through the same thing only I'm the one who wants to complain however I have realized that I need to choose my battles. My roomie is a slob although she does the 2 1/2 year old twins which makes things a bit hard. The only good thing is that I know the clean freak thing is so MY deal and if I have I problem I clean it, I might get irritated in my head but I never say it.. Tell her don't sweat the petty things pet the sweaty things,haha god that sounds a bit gross!!!
Love to you Lauren

Beth said...

Sole- I'm doing okay...still eating way too much, though. Thanks for asking!

Lauren- I love your saying that's definitely one I'll have to remember for future reference!