Then this other guy I had hit on called and asked to pick me up for coffee. I'm not really into him after talking on the phone, but hey, attention and interaction with guys is necessary for me. We go to Starbucks and he keeps staring at me and calling me "smokin." Not to mention he kept looking down at my boobs. He asked why Travis and I broke up. I said I had some health issues that got in the way. He looked concerned and I said, "Nothing major like cancer." Then he asked if it was an STD and I said no. He starts acting really strange and says we should go. In the car, he said he wasn't ready to date and all this crap and kept incenuating that I had an STD! His ex hates me, and I think she made this up and told him. I have never in my life been treated that way! So he wouldn't believe me about not having one and as he dropped me off back at school, I finally got fed up and told him I have an eating disorder and walked away. He kept trying to apologize and tell me how "hot" I was then. He even said, "If you have an ed and look that great, all women should have an ed!" Can you believe it? What an ignorant jerk!
In other news, I have an interview tomorrow for a holiday job. It's at a Bright0n store at the mall. I really need it. I will also be taking a winter minimester (Global Cultures, yay) over the break. If I keep up with school, I can even graduate at the end of summer! After 6 years of college, lol!
Thanksgiving was fun. I ate two medium size plates of food, but wasn't stuffed. I didn't purge. I did take lax's. Bad, I know. My teenage cousins and I saw Enchanted at the theater. If you are a romantic or need a good laugh, it's a great movie to see, even for adults! Unfortunately, I got in a foul mood after being around all that food and not binging all day. So I did it at home later that night. I really want one day of abstinence. I know that can lead to recovery, but I'm just asking for one day. Thank you for reading! I'll probably post again this weekend.
Ew, gross, don't waste any time on that second loser guy!!
Gross, guys are studid. What a loser.
haa..stupid..not...whatever i spelled.
Ok so I hate that guy you went to starbucks with, I swear who says that kind of shit-and for him to just assume it was an STD, fucking lame babe!!!!
The other one on the other hand sounds like a cutie, I love that your were all nervous, that is the best isn't it?
I so want to see that movie, I would totally take little c but I don't think he could last through it!
As far as recovery, hun you deserve it, I wish you could see that the way I do in you! Come on lets do it together,,,,1 day at a time right??? You pick the day!
Thinking about you lots today!
xo Lauren
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