If this isn't bad, I don't know what is. I've kissed 4 different guys in the past week. That one at the library and three others. I went to a bar Friday night with a guy from one of my classes. I danced with some girls and it was so much fun! He wasn't acting that interested in me (he's really laid back). Then we went back to his apartment and just started messing around. Luckily, I kept saying no to the sexual persuasions. It was funny, though, all that goes by so quickly in a flash when you're drunk!
Thursday night I went to Windstar (a casino) with this dude who is 4.5 years younger than me. He kept wanting to hang out, also I was like whatever. But he was so sweet and complimentary to me, that I started liking him. It's crazy, though, he lost 500 dollars at the casino, but I just used 20. He wasn't too upset. We were holding hands and talking on the drive home. Then he came up to my apartment to "cuddle," and we started making out and stuff. Here's the amazing part: he's a VIRGIN! That is definitly a turn on! He didn't try to have sex, so that was a huge relief. Anyway, the next day he kept texting me asking if I liked him and trying to get me not to go on dates w other guys, but I played it coy. I'm not going to let some guy walk all over me.
Last night was by far the best. I had a date (going to the bar) with this guy I met a year ago online and went out with 3 times. He's 25 and a pro golfer, plus very polite, mature, and gorgeous. But we never kissed, so I didn't know if he was really interested ever. We meet up at this bar (I told him nowhere fancy!) with freaking valet parking. Yeah, I don't go for all that. Once I had a few cherry vodka sours, I was okay. We talked for a long time, drank a lot, and danced a little. Finally, when we were dancing and my inhibitions were fading, I put my arm around his neck and kissed him. He seemed to like it, so yay for no rejection! He said I have to call him, though. I hate calling guys.
On the way home, I convinced N, the 19yr old, to come over bc he'd just left the club. So he was really drunk I guess, but I was so glad to see him. I think I like him a lot. He kept telling me to come cuddle with him if I left him on the couch alone, and yeah, it was a great time. He might be too wild for me, though. He slept on the chair and I on the couch. He just makes me really happy to be around him.
So in all irony, guess who messages me today? Travis, sayiing, "I hate this, I miss you." Guys, what was I supposed to say to that? He wanted to break up bc of the ed and said we weren't in love, but now he misses me? I told him not to message me ever unless he wanted me back. So I don't know what he wants. I like being single, but in the future, I can't picure having a family with anyone else. I just know he's going to find a better girl than me and fall in love. I can't think about us or it hurts too much, so I just focus on other guys. What do I do?
The only good news of the week is that I managed not to b/p on Wed. Maybe I can shoot for two days this week. I want that abstinence back more than anything! Oh, even more GOOD news! I got the job at Br1ght0n! So over the break I will be doing that and taking a wintermester class. (And hopefully dating!) Just have to get this eating under control.
Oh man Beth, you have really had a busy week,haha actually I'm kind of jealous!!! God I so wish we could hit the bars and dinner together, I think you and I would so have a good time together!! I miss being carefree and dating just for the hell of it!! Be careful with the whole Travis thing sweetie, I know we cannot help who we love but you need to take care of you and you need someone who wants to take care of you and loves and supports you NO MATTER WHAT!!!!
One day at a time sweetie, you are working as hard as you can and that is all you can do!!!!
Have a great Monday and keep up the fun stuff, I love the stories, I'm living through you now,heehee!!
Love ya!
Hey Beth,
Sounds like things are kinda crazy for you right now. The guy who was thinking you have an STD is a douchebag who CLEARLY is interested in only one thing. Gross!
Look of course lots of men want to hang out with you. You are beautiful, but please please be careful. Boys do not equal self esteem you are way to good or any of those men.....
here is what made me worry...you said: "Then we went back to his apartment and just started messing around. Luckily, I kept saying no to the sexual persuasions. It was funny, though, all that goes by so quickly in a flash when you're drunk!".
I am not trying to lecture you at all and you should have every right to do whatever the fuck you want, go wherever you want, and wear whatever you want and I certainly don't think that women are responsible in anyway if they get sexually assaulted. However, 1/4 women get sexually assaulted and in something like 60% of cases alcohol was involved. So just be careful. I care about you and please let me reiterate that if you have been or get sexually assaulted it is NEVER your fault!!!!!! No matter where you were, what you were wearing or if you were drunk of not...but it happens a lot to young women. So keep your eyes open and a kick in your step.:) U deserve someone who treats you like the wonderful woman you are.
Wow! Girl. Calm it down! :) Ha ha ha.
Just wanted to drop by and say HELLO! Sounds like you've been busy! ;) Just be safe.
Hugs sweet Beth, I hope you are ok!!!
Love Lauren
Hi sweetie, I hope you are great and had an amazing Christmas!!!
xo Lauren
Hey Girl, it's been a while! Just wanted to check in and see where you ended up regarding all these men? I'm jealous!!!hahahaha!!
Happy New Year Sweets!
Just checking in with you to say HELLO :)
Kristen's Raw
Hi Beth!!! I wonder how is it going!!!
You kept us wanting to know more about your adventures LOL :D
Have a nice day, week, everything.
Your in my thoughts Beth I hope you are well!!!!!!!!
xo Lauren
Can you post just to let us know you are ok?
Hey! The running is still going well thanks for asking =)
Hopefully me starting up yoga will happen but we'll see...I've been putting it off for years now
Hope everything is going well for you too!
blog would you dammit! I want to know how things went with all the boys! Serisouly, I will never be single again I need to live through your fun!
THinking about you hun and hope you are doing well!!!
ahh..I remember the days of wild, reckless kissing. In college my senior year, a girlfriend and I had a kissing contest (not with each other) - the goal was to see who could kiss the most giys in a week. One poor guy got caught in the crosshairs as we both tried to pounce on him at a party. My friend ultimately "won" - as I found out the next morning, when I found him in her bed. We ended the contest after that.
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