Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Well, well, well, if ANYONE reads this blog anymore, it's a wonder, as I haven't updated in ages. So here goes.... I think I'm over my whole bar/hooking-up-with-random-guys phase. It lasted for a few months, but now it's back to solitary. A few changes over the new year.

First, I got a new car (yay!) an 03 carbon metallic Mustang. My old one was a 98 Mustang and guess what? I unknowingly ruined the engine by failing to put oil in it. The downside to all this is a $393 monthly car payment which my mom will attempt to make seeing as I am not currntly employed.

The job thing. I WAS working at a nice restaurant, but of course screwed it up by oversleeping due to not taking my meds due to the bulimia. Nice. So I'm waiting to hear back from PF Ch@ngs tomorrow, as I had two interviews there last week. Keep your fingers crossed, I NEED this job! Although, I'm also waiting to hear back from insurance to see if they will send me to Laureate (a treatment center in OK). This will take months, so I might have to put school on hold for another semster, but I'm ready to go and get well.

Socally, not much going on. Travis (the ex) and I hang out regularly and talk every day. We are so weird. I don't know what I want and neither does he, but we can't do anything till I get better. I miss dating other guys, but I'm too lazy and fat to go to the bar lately. I need to get my ass out of this apartment. (Oh, I moved to a fabulously cute new apt.) Okay, this is long enough. I just can't sleep.


lauren said...

wow hun big stuff going on for you!! Good luck on the job too,,,,I love PF Changs, bestest lettuce wraps EVER..
I'm so happy to hear that you want to go to treatment, such a huge decision and I think you are amazing for it!!! Your my hero today Beth!!
xo L

Toffee Nut said...

Congrats on the apartment and good luck with the job! I <3 PF Changs haha =P

Kosta is this new guy I met a few weeks ago...we fooled around a bit and I liked him but then one day he was a huge jerk to me so now we're on iffy make a long story short lol

And we didn't end up going to the sex shop :( didn't have time. I've been to one before that though in Va.

BlondeBlogger said...

There's a sex shop in VA? lol I've never seen it. Where is it? Just curious of course. :)

Good luck with the job and so sorry about the car. I just got a bill for $1,400 in repairs on my van so I feel your pain.

And good luck getting into the treatment center in OK, too. I'll say a prayer that it all works out.